
Sonya, Jaren, & Calvin

Mom and I met up with this sweet and adorable little family last weekend for a fun fall session!

The weather was chilly and there was a crisp breeze in the air, but the longer we were out there, it did warm up a bit.

Jaren is such a good big brother and cooperated so well! He had so many cute ideas and poses he wanted to try out. I love his mohawk! This next image of him makes him look so much older...but I adore it.

Little Calvin just recently turned one and the little guy was sleepy and had a little cold. He wasn't too sure about all this picture taking business.

He is such a cutie pie!

I love this next image of all three of them...they are such a photogenic family!

Thank you F family! You guys are gorgeous...


Vicki said...

What a beautiful Fall brisk morning! Loved the morning sun shining in from between and over the trees. Love this time of year. Thank you Sonya for letting April be your personal photographer. Beautiful family captured in time. Thanks again, Vicki

Vicki said...

What a beautiful Fall brisk morning! Loved the morning sun shining in from between and over the trees. Love this time of year. Thank you Sonya for letting April be your personal photographer. Beautiful family captured in time. Thanks again, Vicki