
Carson, Cade, & Cale

These 3 kept me hopping! They are so adorable and silly...and very busy boys to say the least!

Big brother Carson was so helpful and tried to keep his 2 year old twin brothers corraled long enough just to get a picture with all three of them in it! LOL

Isn't that hilarious?! Cade and Cale wanted to GO! They were much too busy for this picture taking business!

Yes, Carson is under there...somewhere!

He is just so darling!

Little Cale and Cade...just little dolls. I did manage to get one shot of them together! Yay! You have to be quick with these little stinkers!

This last one is funny too! I'm not sure what one of the twins is trying to tell us, but he is trying to get his point across!

Thank you K family! We had a blast chasing around your three handsome little guys! Such a sweet family with three busy little boys....

1 comment:

Vicki said...

loveable adorable C boys... I know!he's counting - 1-2....etc. Awesome hot humid evening! I agree with Dad, an hour of photo shoot was enough...hehee enjoyed the boys greatly. Look at the finishing touch...Great Job April!