
Adam, Fiona, Kaylee, & Holden

This sweet little family met me last weekend for their session. It was a gorgeous fall day! Just perfect!

Little Holden is just over a year old and is just a cutie pie. He did so well and had a ball playing with the leaves and checking everything out!

His big sister Kaylee is just a sweetheart herself. She is so photogenic and very cooperative! So much fun to photograph!!

Sometimes my favorite shots are when noone is looking at the camera...they are just interacting with each other and being themselves. I love this next one of Fiona with her little sweethearts.

Thank you guys! It was a pleasure meeting you and your adorable family!

1 comment:

Vicki said...

Cute, cute, cute! What more can I say! Thanks for allowing April the opportunity to capture a moment in time.