
Case {3 mos}

Oh boy, oh boy...am I ever behind!

I hope to share a couple more sneak peeks in the next day or two from my sessions last week...I haven't forgot about you guys, I promise! It is just so hard managing my time these days between my business, my husband, home, cooking, cleaning, children, school stuff, etc! The list goes on and on. I have felt very overwhelmed lately and on top of everything else I work Monday's and Tuesday's as a Dental Hygienist in Tulsa, so those days are pretty well shot as far as getting any thing else done! LOL

Especially when it comes to editing, sorting, and placing orders.....so just bear with me please :)  My sneak peeks will probably be a little shorter than they have in the past...not because I don't want to share your beautiful families and children...but just due to time constraints.

OK, enough of my rambling!

Little Case is 3 months old already! My how time flies and how big he has gotten!

He was such a good little guy for his session and we had the best time with him and his sweet momma.

He loved the fur in the crate! He tried to eat it up! He was so content just sitting there like a big boy.

Thank you W family! He is just a doll....


Vicki said...

So adorable, Case! Just a cutie! I can't believe he's three months old! So important to capture those early growing months! Wow... Thanks W Family

Anonymous said...

Very cute baby! I know you feel overwhelmed so dont rush, I'm sure all the photos will be Worth The Wait! Luv ya