
Jason, Amanda, Ty, & Riley

I am speechless. I don't even know what to say about this gorgeous family! I had the hardest time deciding which images to share of their session.

The weather? Well, perfect. The lighting? Amazing.

Simply one of my most favorite sessions thusfar....get ready for a looooong post! HA!

Do you see what I mean?! Can they take a bad picture?? Talk about making my job hard!

Such a gorgeous family both inside and out! They were one of my very first clients when I started on my journey as a new photographer...

Mr. Ty is sure growing up! He's in second grade now and is just such a little sweetheart! Always happy and smiling and just adorable.

Miss Riley is in Pre-K this year and is just growing like a weed herself! She has the prettiest hair and is just soooo beautiful!

This beautiful couple is so sweet! Their love for each other is so evident in every way and I just love being around them and their precious family.

Thank you C family! Our new location spot can be our little secret ;)

1 comment:

Vicki said...

absolutely adorable family. And as for the location...well, that will be our little secret! Who thought of this spot anyway? shhh, it doesn't matter... love it! Love you guys.