
Samuel {8 days new} : Pryor Tulsa Claremore Newborn Infant Baby Photographer

Welcome to the world sweet little Samuel.He came to see me at 8 days and is such a cutie!

Isn't he so pretty? I love the tie that his mom brought along! Such a handsome little man...

In this next image, Samuel is laying on a blanket made especially for him by a sweet lady. I love the colors.

Thank you T family for allowing me to capture a few memories of Samuel's first days of life. Congratulations on your miracle baby!


shellytennison said...

Thank you April, I love them! The last one with those big, bright eyes is priceless. You and your mom were great:)

April said...

Thanks Shelly! I love the wide awake shots as well ;) And I definitely couldn't do it without my mom's help!

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