
B & R Families

Well, I have only 4 more sessions to go in the next two weeks to finish up the year 2012. What a crazy ride...it has been such an awesome year for me!

I have had the opportunity to work with some sweet, sweet clients this year. Some, old friends...some new. Some entrusting me to capture the first days of a precious new life God has given them. Some calling on me to capture their sweet son's 3rd birthday pictures. Some wanting to preserve memories of their beautiful families.

I truly mean it when I say thank you to all of you...from the bottom of my heart! Thank you for helping my business become what it is today. Not only that, but thank you for allowing me to grow as a photographer. I can honestly say I learn something new each and every session. It has truly been an honor and I am looking forward to what 2013 has in store!

The B & R families are just one of the many wonderful returning clients I had the pleasure to work with in 2012.

Talk about an adorable family. Such sweethearts.

Hunter, you are just darling. Congratulations on your new baby sister! I have a feeling you are going to live up to your name when you are just a bit bigger. ;)

M & P, you all have such a beautiful place! And such a beautiful family of now 11.

J, your family is adorable!  Your 3 kiddos are just so cute.

Thank you B & R families and congratulations on the newest addition to your family!

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