
George, Jennifer, Brinly, & George Patrick

This family and I braved the wind and the very cold temperatures last week for their session. It honestly seemed to warm up the closer to dark it got. The winds let up some and the sun actually tried to peek out!

The kiddos really did very well considering how cold it was! They were troopers.

Mom did such an awesome job choosing their clothing! I am so glad she had something warm for them to wear.

Little George and his pal Annie. They are both so adorable!

And Miss Brinly. Oh my goodness! I could've done an entire post with her pictures alone! She is so photogenic and cooperative! I cannot wait for mom and dad to see them all!

We went out to a few locations for this session. The family has a beautiful farm and a lot of land nearby. I got to see some beautiful places!

This next shot is way up on my list of all time favorite shots of a mother with her children. I love everything about it.

Aren't they so beautiful?!

It was so worth fighting with the weather for these adorable shots! Thank you so much G family for allowing me the opportunity to capture your precious family!

1 comment:

Vicki said...

WOW! Beautiful family! Gorgeous! Thanks for allowing April the opportunity to be your personal photographer. You guys look great!