
Leslie {One}

My blog has been so neglected here lately! I am so sorry...May was a crazy month with the end of school! It seemed like every day was crammed with something going on. I am so glad that summer break is here and hopefully the hustle and bustle that seems to go along with the school year will taper off for the next couple months.

Now on to the post...

Leslie's mother and I have been friends since, well, forever. Mandy was my maid of honor in my wedding. Time and space have taken its toll on our frequency of visits, but when we talk or see each other, it's only a few minutes before we catch back up and seem as if it were just yesterday we last spoke. She is now married with two beautiful kiddos. Her son, Noah, is about to turn 4 this month. Her daughter, Leslie, is turning the big "ONE" in a few short weeks and wanted some pics for her first birthday.

Mandy's father passed away a couple years back and Leslie, Les for short, was his name. Mandy said she couldn't think of a better name for her precious daughter.

 Little Leslie. Oh my lands. She is such a little doll and has the biggest, brightest blue eyes!

When we first got to the location to take her pics, she wouldn't let go of her momma. She was just not having any of it. Come to find out, the sweet girl had an ear infection! But, after taking some time to warm up to us, she finally let go of momma and let us get some great shots.

I love this next one. So simple...she's just hanging out, exploring the beautiful world around her. I love how her little feet are crossed!

Happy *upcoming* birthday Leslie! You are so gorgeous...


Mom said...

Enjoyed seeing you again, Mandy. Can't wait to meet the test of your family. Bless Leslie's little heart, Ear Infection! Hope she is feeling back to her ole self real soon!

Vicki said...

I think I love the picture of Leslie's squiggly tongue the best. No, I think Leslie's two bottom teeth shining! No, I think I love them all! What a precious little girl, Mandy.