
B & R Families

Last week, I had the opportunity to take pictures for a sweet (and come to find out SILLY) person I went to high school with. J lives out of state but came in for a week while her kids were on spring break to see her family. A few weeks prior to her visit, she emailed me about scheduling a session. She really wanted pictures of her 3 children with their cousin that lives here in OK along with the kids individually. She also wanted some shots of the children with their sweet Nanny & Poppy. I didn't mention it that night, but we have a "Poppy" too!

Aren't they a cute bunch?

J really wanted the pictures to be taken at her parent's farm...the place she grew up having the priveledge to call home. My oh my, is it beautiful there!

These next images are a few images of the kids by themselves. Such sweethearts!

The morning of the session was very dark, dreary, and rainy! I was really concerned we might end up having to cancel the session...but as the day went on, the rain ended and the overcast skies provided perfect lighting for the session :)

We took a ride in the back of a pickup truck across the road where a peaceful and beautiful creek is. The creek runs behind J's grandpa's house. This next image was taken there...down on the creek with the kids just playing and throwing rocks in the water :) I love how you can see the splash of water!

I will leave you with this one...found this awesome, rusty, banged up truck at the very end of the session. I L-O-V-E finding stuff like this to photograph around. Such character...

1 comment:

Mom said...

I too was worried that the photo session would have to canceled due to unsettled weather conditions. Turned out to be an awesome day for photo shooting! The kids were spectacular! April loved it!