
Rachel {Senior}

What do you get when you have gorgeous big blue eyes, naturally curly hair, and perfect complexion?

Meet Rachel.

Is she not gorgeous? Rachel just graduated a couple weeks ago from high school. She plans to pursue a degree as an Ultrasound Technician. Such a sweet girl...I know she has to make her mom proud!

It was such a gorgeous night for our session. A little breezy, but the temperature was perfect.

There's something about this next one I just love...the look on her face...the smirk.... I LOVE it!

After taking some photos at a beautiful, grassy outdoor location, we headed into town for some urban shots. There were soooo many good images to choose from, I simply could've posted them all ;)

All the stunning people I have photographed make my job so fun! I LOVE what I do. I hope you can all tell by my work. Absolutely LOVE it....

I will leave you with ONE of my faves...they all could classify as my fave, tho! Thanks for looking!


Love, Mom said...

Can't wait to see more. Nice job April!

Aunt Dara said...

April, I honestly don't know what more to say - Another job well done?
Great job honey..... Love you, Aunt Dara

April said...

Thank you both!