
Ronnie, Jessica, Daniel, Steven, & Sarah

Boy, taking pictures of three kids 6 and under is a WORK.OUT...especially for my mother the most awesome assistant in the world! (Thank you mom!) These kiddos were very active and wanted to explore. Pictures, well, they had no time for pictures! LOL They were too busy checking everything out...

No, but seriously, they are such a sweet, sweet family and we had a great time chasing around the kids and playing the other evening ;)

Such adorable kids! Full of love and life...

Next, a few family shots for you...we had a time corraling the kids for just a split second to get these, but I'm glad we managed to! They turned out really cute :)

I love this next one....I want a picture like this of my sweet family.

Last but not least, here is a capture from the very end of the session. Everyone was so hot and the kids were dying to at least put their feet in the water. They were so excited to finally get to!

I might mention right before we left, both the boys ended up totally IN the water! HA! It was so funny! Thank you S family for asking me to take your pictures...we had a blast with you guys...hope you all enjoyed your sneak peek!

1 comment:

Mom said...

Loved the time spent with this beautiful family. Children are amazing; full of life, love, and curiousity. God's treasure...