
Kenslea {three}

We had such a good time taking pictures of Kenslea this past weekend. It was really hot outside and there was absolutely no breeze, but she was a trooper and we had a lot of fun ;) I love the spelling of her name, don't you?

It is always so hard to decide which pictures to share for the client's sneak peek. I try and tell myself to stick to 5 or 6 images, but it always ends up being more than that! I just can't decide :)

We did manage to get a couple shots with Kenslea and her beautiful mom, Kate. You can sure tell these two are related!

I have been dying to try a new set-up...once again inspired by good 'ole Pinterest. I love that site for getting adorable ideas for sessions! This canopy I made for around twenty bucks and it totally sets the scene for the following image. I adore it!

(I love close-up shots!)

Happy birthday little Miss Kenslea! I hope you and your momma treasure these pictures forever! It was a priviledge to take them for you :)

1 comment:

Mom said...

April, each photo session we do is just as fun as the first. Kenslea is a doll! Finding little tricks to engage little ones is a task I enjoy. The pictures are great!