
Ava {One}

I met up with a friend from high school this past weekend to photograph her adorable daughter who recently turned one. Meet Ava.

Sweet little Ava was in a good mood when we first arrived...but very quickly it became apparent she was soooo sleepy and ready for her nap! We got some adorable, sleepy shots of her at first and I'm so glad we did! I love her expression in this next image.

Isn't she a little doll?

Mom says she plays with her ears when she gets tired...sweet angel.

Well, by this time she had had enough! Mom suggested she try and give her a little power nap, so that's what we did. You would've thought the little stinker had slept for 2 hours...not 10 minutes. Just look at this cuteness she gave us when she woke up!!

Lastly, what's a birthday without a little cake?

It was so good to see you again "S" and meet your little girl! Thanks for asking me to capture her at this special age!


Aunt Dara said...

Well, I don't know what to say anymore. April, you have captured some of the BEST PHOTOS I have ever seen. Love & Miss you.

Vicki said...

wow, and I had to leave for an hour appointment Tropical Massage. what beautiful pics! Adorable little Ava!

April said...

Thank u Dara for following my work! I always look forward to reading your comments ;)
Mom-I know it! Wish you could've stayed the entire time :(

mom said...

I know! I knew there would be a day like Saturday! I was so exhausted too, with everything else I had going on... Both sessions turned out beautiful!