
Kenda & Jalyn

Sisters. Such a special bond.

Meet Kenda and Jalyn. I have enjoyed watching them grow up since they were babies.

Kenda is going into the 4th grade already! Wow how time flies. I had the pleasure of being Kenda's teacher earlier this year in bible class. She is so very smart and a real sweetheart. I adore this next photo of her!

Little miss Jalyn is starting kindergarten this year. She reminds me so much of my Ava. Sort of bashful at first, takes a little time warming up to you, but then lets her true personality show. She wasn't too thrilled about getting pictures taken at first. I know her momma was really worried! But, after a bit she totally warmed up and gave some of the cutest grins and expressions!

Some of you may recognize the tree in this next image. I love that tree....

I love capturing kids when they aren't expecting it. They aren't looking at the camera and they're just doing their thing. So sweet.

This last one is one of my favorites of the night.

Thank you for asking me to take pictures of your beautiful girls! They are such sweeties.

1 comment:

Vicki J. said...

Two beautiful girls! To see them grow from babies into these sweet girls is amazing. Watch out Tawyna and James! :)