
Case {5 days new}

Case Allen...so sleepy and precious...

He was 8 lbs 15 oz. at birth and still just seemed like such a tiny thing!

His mom said the same lady that made the quilt in the previous photo had also made some quilts for other members of Case's family in the past, including his grandpa. How sweet! What a treasure...

Case rocked his photo session. Period. Dad and mom said he was up most of the night before his session. That's probably why he slept and never hardly made a peep for me! He knew he was getting  pictures taken...

Sometimes people ask if they should wait to get pictures taken when their baby's belly button heals following birth. The answer is a resounding NO! That is what newborn pictures are all about...remembering their newness...their wrinkles...their red tinted skin and imperfect nails.

I think Case looks an awful lot like his daddy...but after editing these photos, I can definitely see how he favors his mom too. He is just darling.

I saved a couple of my favorites for last. Dad and mom are really into the country/western theme and brought along some fun props to use! I love it when people bring things that mean something to them. It makes the session so much more personal.

I absolutely cannot wait for you all to see the rest!

Thank you so very much for sharing little Case with us. It was truly a pleasure and he is just perfect.


Mom said...

Case must have his nights and days turned upside down..:) He barely opened his eyes for a peek, but definitely wanted some something to drink.

Aunt Dara said...

WOW - All I can say is, "WOW". What a GREAT group of pictures of Case. He is so adorable. You are doing a GREAT job April (and Vicki).