
Blain, Robyn, & Gavin

Mom and I met up with this sweet little family over the weekend. We just THOUGHT we had planned an early enough session to beat the 100* temperatures! We should've started closer to 6 a.m. than 9 a.m.! LOL

Aren't they just so stinkin' gorgeous?! Little Gavin was having nothing to do with me or my camera when we first got started...but, as time went on, we started playing peek-a-boo and hide and seek with him and that brought out some cute smirks, grins, and giggles.

Gavin is having his third birthday soon and is quite a handsome fella! He warmed up to us towards the end and wasn't ready to leave when it was time...little stinker! He loved playing with the rocks and water.

I adore this next shot. This is one I didn't plan on editing this way when taking it, but as I was working on their images, it just came to me. I think it is such an awesome image and shows such a beautiful bond between this little guy and his parents.

During this session, I felt as if I had known this family for a long time! They are just so sweet and soft-spoken...and totally the type of people my family and I could hang out with any given day.

I can totally see this next shot hanging ginormous over their sofa in the living room, can't you? (Robyn, you are just stunning. You and coral...it just works, girl! LOL)

At the end of the session, Gavin wanted to get his dirt bike out of the back of dad's truck and take some pictures on it. He was soooo excited about it! He had to show us where the exhaust was. And the gas. And the tires. And his helmet....and every other part of it. It was so cute! I have way too many shots of him that turned out so cute on and around his dirt bike, but I will share one of my faves to end this post.

Blain, Robyn, and Gavin: it was truly a pleasure! Can't wait for you to see your gallery...

1 comment:

Vicki said...

What an adorable family...so glad to have met you; Blain, Robyn,and Gavin. I look forward to the new addition to your family if and when the time comes.