
Christopher, Kimberly, & Hadley

It was so very good to see one of my good friends from high school the other day! Kim and her sweet little family now live in California and came all the way to Oklahoma to see me and have their pictures taken! OK, maybe not just to have their pictures made, but we did squeeze in a session while they were here in town :)

Little Miss Hadley is so beautiful just like her momma. She is now 2 months old and has her very own suitcase for traveling. (She doesn't travel lightly...HA!)

She fell asleep for half of the session and let us pose her and prop her up just like a newborn! She was so fun...

They also got to be the very first models at this awesome new location I found! Can you say LOVE?? The owner's grandchildren painted the garage doors long ago and I happen to love their work! I will definitely be visiting this place again, I'm sure! (Even if the guy asks me to move his car again!) Hahaaha

Thank you H family! I can't wait for you to see the rest!


Vicki said...

April, I love your new location spot. Who would have figured! Kim, you and family look absolutely adorable. Glad to see you again. Call us when your back in town for that special photo moment captured in time. You guys take care until next time.

Vicki said...

April, I love your new location spot. Who would have figured! Kim, you and family look absolutely adorable. Glad to see you again. Call us when your back in town for that special photo moment captured in time. You guys take care until next time.