
Mike, Amanda, Shelby, Chesney, Presley, Bristol, & Piper

This sweet family was back for another session! Since little Piper's arrival in July, this is their first set of images with her sweet little face in them!

Trying to get 7 people all looking at the camera with eyes open can be a little challenging, but this family did awesome! Even sweet little Piper seems as if she knew she was getting photgraphed! LOL
Look how big she's getting! She's wearing an outfit that belonged to her oldest sister.

All of their kids are so photogenic! And very cooperative. Such sweethearts...

Look at the sunbeam in this next image! This is a little different for me, but I love it! Sun flare and haze....

And I love this next shot of Shelby and one of her grandpa's horses. There are so many good ones of her with the horse, but something about this one grabs me. I love it!

Thank you I family once again! It is always a pleasure hanging out with your sweet family!


Vicki said...

Beautiful family indeed. Mike you are quite the lucky man surrounded by your sweet girls. Amanda, you definitely have your hands full, girl, and do quite an awesome job! Great organizational skills no doubt!

Anonymous said...

fabtastic pictures