
Robert, Christy, & Kai

Yesterday afternoon I had the pleasure of photographing this beautiful, sweet family of 3! I have known Christy since we were kids and it was such an honor being able to photograph her gorgeous family. Little Kai is 6 months old and was such a trooper at his photo shoot! He is such a handsome little guy and I'm sure is going to drive the girls crazy one day!

We took the pics at a local place near where I live. There are so many large, gorgeous trees there...it's park-like, really. I love going there!

I absolutely love this next one...it just captures this beautiful family in such a sweet way...

Christy had mentioned wanting a photo taken of daddy & Kai's feet together and the little stinker was not having it! Poor thing! But, we did manage to get one finally! LOL I think it turned out rather cute ;)

The love this daddy has for his son is quite evident. He seems like such a good father...and little Kai is just crazy about him.

I will leave you with one of my favorite images from the session. I should have your session ready for proofing within a few days guys! Thanks soooo much. Hope you love them...we had so much fun!


Aunt Dara said...

I agree - what a cutie. Watch out girls - Kai is a cutie.

Mom said...

It was a beautiful day! Although a hot muggy humid day for the end of March. You're right April, I love this place! Ironic isn't it, that Christy remembers when as a senior she and some of her classmates came here to have their senior pictures taken. Thank you, 'W' Family for the opportunity to help capture those moments of a lifetime. You are a special family. I can't wait to see the final pix. Nice job, April.

Kodi said...

Kai' feet are soooo tiny!

Kodi said...

I mean... Kai's feet.... :)