
A Family - Sneak Peek #2

There were sooooo many great shots from the other night I just had to share some more of my favorites! I am loving Black & White right now, so that's what most of these are! :)

I told you there were so many good ones! This doesn't make my job easy people!

On second thought...maybe it does! HAHAA

Thank you A Family! I hope to finish up editing your session completely within the next week!


Aunt Dara said...

Well - well - well....... I have to say April, you're doing a GREAT job. But I couldn't agree with you more, it's obvious that choosing photos is a difficult task. Great job!!!!!!

Vicki said...

It was so fun to do this photo session. Taking shots of the family on familiar property made this session fun. It was a beautiful day. Sunshine and warm temperatures as you can tell. No coats and outdoor shots! When the sun went down though we had to grab our coats and turn on the car heater. Everyone had fun..