
Crew {newborn} : Pryor, Claremore Tulsa Newborn Infant Baby Photographer

Well, what can I say...if you have the name Crew you rock.

I mean seriously, can a kid have any cooler name than that??

Is he gorgeous or what? And talk about perfect skin! His skin was so beautiful and cut my processing time in half!

"YAWN...Is this lady about finished with me?"

Crew's parents met at college. They both attended Kansas State University. Check out dad's belt buckle. Go Sooners...I mean Wildcats!

Look at him grasping his daddy's thumb...they're already best buds. ;)

So, Crew had four little accidents while he was here...(okay, maybe that WAS just on ONE blanket. LOL) I really lost count. Poor fella. With all of the jostling around, who can blame the little guy? He sure didn't mind. I think he kind of thought it was funny.

When mom walked in carring a chevron diaper bag, I knew she'd love this next backdrop. Gotta' love chevron.

Last one for this sneak peek...This next image just happens to be one of my all-time favorites from a newborn session. Can you say L.O.V.E.??!?

Thank you "B" family for spending your afternoon with us! It was so much fun and a pleasure...


Flora {6 months}

More eye candy from a sweet little girl named Flora!

Mom wanted some indoor studio shots of little miss Flora on top of the outdoor session last weekend. So, they came over and we had a ball!

Don't you just love her little bracelet? She is so precious. She sat right up there and just grinned and grinned from the very start! She was so easy to work with and such a joy...


Kenda & Jalyn

Sisters. Such a special bond.

Meet Kenda and Jalyn. I have enjoyed watching them grow up since they were babies.

Kenda is going into the 4th grade already! Wow how time flies. I had the pleasure of being Kenda's teacher earlier this year in bible class. She is so very smart and a real sweetheart. I adore this next photo of her!

Little miss Jalyn is starting kindergarten this year. She reminds me so much of my Ava. Sort of bashful at first, takes a little time warming up to you, but then lets her true personality show. She wasn't too thrilled about getting pictures taken at first. I know her momma was really worried! But, after a bit she totally warmed up and gave some of the cutest grins and expressions!

Some of you may recognize the tree in this next image. I love that tree....

I love capturing kids when they aren't expecting it. They aren't looking at the camera and they're just doing their thing. So sweet.

This last one is one of my favorites of the night.

Thank you for asking me to take pictures of your beautiful girls! They are such sweeties.


Daniel, Cassidy, & Flora : Pryor Tulsa Claremore Family Child Photographer

There are those sessions which are a little more challenging than others for one reason or another. Kiddos that are cranky or bashful. 115* temperatures. Wind. Lack of sunlight....I'm always up for any challenge that is thrown my way! But sometimes I realize early on I have my work cut out for me!

Then, there are sessions when I leave there knowing I've got my work cut out for me. When I think to myself, "how in the world am I going to narrow these down?"

This session? Yeah, it was one of those. But choosing which ones to share for their sneak peek?? I could've literally posted all. of. them.

Little Flora is turning 6 mos. old very soon. She is soooo precious! She gave us some of the cutest little looks and grins. She is a little doll.

Don't you just love her little dress? And those beautiful eyes? She has her daddy's blue eyes.

Her new thing is sitting up. We tried to get a few shots of her on her belly or her back but she was not interested in doing that. She's a big girl.

Isn't her momma beautiful? Flora loved it when Cassidy would start singing to her. She'd just look and smile at her. She knows her momma's voice for sure.

This next one I LOVE. I love it for a couple of reasons. One is obviously gorgeous little Flora. The other is the bokeh in the background of this image. Those of you that aren't photographers are going, bo-what? Bokeh is blurriness, or an area of an image that is out of focus. See how the trees in the background are blurry and look like little lights shining?

I love bokeh.

Ok, enough photography 101 for today. LOL

"I'm ready for my nap!"

It is really hard for me to choose a favorite from this session, but this next one is way up on the list...if not at the top.

We had such a great time with your sweet family! Hope you loved your sneak peek guys. It was truly a pleasure.